Double Secret Declassification

Location: Florida, United States

Middle aged overweight officeworker with coffee stained teeth

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Partisan Blog Heaven

I'm from the PsychoSphere:
Go to the "did a post" link and I'm a featured wacko, I am BuzzMon. Ha!
Confederate Yankee seems to think that I am unhinged, because I am skeptical of the major news media & the war on "Terra."
I love it!!!
I think that I hit a nerve. But I may have tried to stuff too much information in a quick post, 'cause I'm not sure if it is easy to comprehend.

OK, politics.

I am an American second class citizen in Florida. I can't vote. I can't do a bunch of things because of my actions over 20 years ago. I made a mistake, I was breaking the law, I got caught, I went to jail. If it counts, I did get stuck in front of certifiable judge (a suicide later, after some personally embarassing behavior).
Funny thing, I was caught because I allowed an aquaintance to set me up. He needed a patsy, and I (unwittingly) agreed. God, was I stupid. This aquaintance was the same type of rich pampered kid that George W. Bush seems to be.
Delivery of Cannabis, 364 days in county jail and 5 years probation, and a felony conviction tatooed to my name forever.

If Confederate Yankee is right, that I am nuts, perhaps this collection of events is what drove me over the edge.

Naw, I know what did it:

It was "Bush II (The Revenge of Nixon)" that made my head explode. This horror movie is not only about the physical destruction of a middle east country, a combination of bombs, blood, severed limbs, brain damage, dead children, sectarian violence that leads to de-facto Sharia cleansing. It is equally about the possible destruction of both our home country... and the world.
Zombie-like death-cult members take control of all parts of the government, and proceed to implement a plan concocted by the cult leaders, formerly known as "the crazies."
This is the culmination of years of careful planning and execution of the master plan to avenge Nixon, and usher in a new era, the New American Century.
Once the media takeover is complete, the cult is formed. Building on historical grievences, a coalition of horror is spawned. The Theocrats and Confederates join force with the Corporatists, and tap into the magic of "The Code."
These multiple forces of evil tap into the key words that can control mankinds emotional connections, blocking the perception of what was really happening around them.
Lucky for us, each type only works on about 30% of the country. But, there are many magic codes, and most are unknown to the rest of the nation or world.
The plan proceeds, media takeover in the 80's, the capture of the Congress in the early 90's, an unsucessful attempt to displace the elected President in the late 90's still tarnishes his sucessor enough that the theft of the election in 2000 is mostly accepted by the public. Part one is complete: Avenging the lost Nixon election of 1960.

Part 2 of their plan proceeds, Amass an amazing pile of wealth, and neuter the same media that took down Nixon. A Cult leader named Jack Welch not only pushes the public (using the media) to support the military industries to insane levels. But his true kinky love is revealed as he "pulls" the media whores of the left to the Cult of Rove. Once converted, pundits like Lil Russ and Tweety pump hard for the Cult.

Part 3, the Nixon heir sets out to prove that he's a man. He sets out to avenge his dad, and the family name. He is now a manly man, not a coward just because in his youth, he did not participate in the war that he supported. He dresses up in uniform, and becomes "Commander-In-Chief." His catch phrases:
Mission Accomplished
Bring it on!
It's hard work!
I'm the Decider

Thousands and thousands die.

Cult members can be easily spotted. Quick to anger if reality is waved in front of them, their primary response is Projection. If their actions are hurting the country, they call their opponents traitors. When the cult members cannot contain their self-loathing bile, their opponents become enimies, and are accused of being hate-filled.

This movie has not been completed, but I am hoping for a happy ending.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Other Peoples work #000001

Lamont vs Lieberman, CT, 2006
From the Comments,

a rework of MonyPython's Dead Parrot sketch, albeit about Mr. Lieberman:

We should give Lieberman the Monty Python dead parrot treatment …

Customer: What kind of Democrat is he?
Shopkeeper: He's a Connecticut "blue."
Customer: He looks dead to me.
Shopkeeper: He's not dead.
Customer: Yes, he is.
Shopkeeper: No, he's not.
Customer: Yes, he is. He's as dead as a doornail.
Shopkeeper: No, he's not. He's just sleeping [with the enemy].
Customer: He's not sleeping.
Shopkeeper: Oh, he's just "pining for the fjords."
Customer: He's dead! He's no longer on the left side of the aisle–he's an ex-Democrat!
Shopkeeper: I suppose you're right.
Customer: Good day.
Comment by slip kid no more — 8/12/2006 @ 12:45 pm

Thanks. slip

Friday, August 11, 2006

Falling Apart

I am really not middle aged, yet. give me another 20 to twenty-five years, and then we'll talk. Now, middle age is when you get to about half way through your life. So, given the advances of science, I figure that I'm gonna live to be about 150 yo.
a/s/l, right?
But at 50+, and not taking care of the bod, I'm feeling it.
Not like my 65+ neighbor, a hard workin former farmer. Ouch, he's got it bad. Nor like my 80+ Mom, who seems better off than the neighbor. But it's there...

So, this is the place where I re-dedicate my life to clean living, exercise, and flossing my teeth. Not.

If I say that I'll try, there's Yoda saying, "Don't try, do. Or don't do" or something like that.

I will line up some personal stats soon, and see where we go from there.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The pizza is almost ready

In fact the buzzer sounded as I wrote that. Now the fragrence of a pepperoni pizza engulfs me. lifting me a bit higher with anticipation. The wife, let's call her the lovely MzBuzz, pulls it out, sets it on a plate to cool. She wheels & slips out the French doors to the porch.When she comes back in she grabs the dry food & the cats jump. I get up & feed them. The Lovely MzBuzz cuts the pie & calls the boy.
"OK. Your hands are dirty, so go wash them."
He goes
We sit down & the boy gets up, turns on the TV, and comes back. We are watching Cartoon Network eating pizza. It’s Friday night. How did I get so luckey?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Life is sweet for me - I'm on the internet!

So I Googled my name. And, I did not get anything, and that is really cool. There used to be some stuff from my high school days, but the school moved its web address, and now I am off the radar.
That is doing a Google search for my real name.
BuzzMon? That's a different story.
Now, I love the blogs, and I post a comment here or there. I have posted the most at, and a few times at Digby's Hullabaloo.
Now I find that I am being cross posted all the way to the New York Times. Cool!
OK, so I'm going to do a profile now, so we can all bask in our mutual greatness.
Or something, I don't know.