Location: Florida, United States

Middle aged overweight officeworker with coffee stained teeth

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Other Peoples work #000001

Lamont vs Lieberman, CT, 2006
From the Comments,

a rework of MonyPython's Dead Parrot sketch, albeit about Mr. Lieberman:

We should give Lieberman the Monty Python dead parrot treatment …

Customer: What kind of Democrat is he?
Shopkeeper: He's a Connecticut "blue."
Customer: He looks dead to me.
Shopkeeper: He's not dead.
Customer: Yes, he is.
Shopkeeper: No, he's not.
Customer: Yes, he is. He's as dead as a doornail.
Shopkeeper: No, he's not. He's just sleeping [with the enemy].
Customer: He's not sleeping.
Shopkeeper: Oh, he's just "pining for the fjords."
Customer: He's dead! He's no longer on the left side of the aisle–he's an ex-Democrat!
Shopkeeper: I suppose you're right.
Customer: Good day.
Comment by slip kid no more — 8/12/2006 @ 12:45 pm

Thanks. slip


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